(Assassination of King Tutankhamen) He lived Tutankhamun in his childhood in Akhitt Aten, and currently located in Tel el-Amarna in Minia Governorate, a new capital founded by King Akhenaten instead of the capital good in Luxor, which he had been living his enemies priesthood of Amun, and lived Tutankhamun throughout the period of his youth in the northern palace in the new capital , did not imagine the little boy that he would leave this city, so the state began considering building the tomb of him, and when he was a boy the age of nine-year-old married the daughter of King Akhenaten third, a Princess Ankh SN Ba Aten, and was older than the age of about four years, and in the the same year, Tutankhamun was crowned King of Egypt, and became the ruling No. 12 among the kings of the Eighteenth Dynasty. This was not the boy's eligible to rule Egypt, but Fate put him in this predicament early, so the rule of Egypt nominally, but were the amounts of actual power in the...