New Year's Eve at the Pharaonic
Before sunrise knowledge to other parts of the world there was light sky Egypt and its territory, at a time span in which the civilizations of great nations to hundreds of years stretching Egyptian civilization thousands of years, with sunrise on September 11 of each year, beginning the first day of the year the neo-pharaonic, where he announced Time Egyptian Pharaonic beginning in 6255 and so is never more than a century counterpart in 4000
The ancient Egyptians celebrated this day and fired on it'' Ne - Aara'' sense'' on'' rivers, which is the completion deadline flooding of the Nile, the primary cause in the life of Egypt, and skew the name later to the'' Neros'' a feast, which was a The first day in the new agricultural year, the Egyptians were interested in celebrating Nowruz cultural heritage Egyptian Old
The year is the year of the Pharaonic connected solar stars, divided into 12 months of 30 days each month and then followed by five or six days to complete the rest of the year, and the Coptic months of the year are: Tut, door, HATOR, Kiahk, tuba, Amshir, Baramhat, Baramouda, Bashans, Aúna, Aviv, Misra, Nasi It is still used in Egypt, not only at the canon, but also at the grassroots level, especially in agriculture, has developed a calendar of the ancient Egyptian brand Tut, who invented writing and was a world wise , so respected by the ancient Egyptians and placed the home of the gods, and they called the god Tut or Thoth and began the first month of the year in his name, has been modified this system about 238 BC added day every four years for the year Pharaonic, so be installed beginning of the year with the seasons and thus proved the beginning of the year in September .
Pharaonic traditions to celebrate New Year
One of the oldest traditions that have emerged with the celebration of New Year's industry cakes and pies, and in turn, moved from New Year festival to accompany the different holidays that make each of them has its own type, and the pancakes with the beginning of its appearance in the holidays adorned with inscriptions and religious incantations and spells.
It has taken New Year's holiday in the mundane nature of the modern state, and came out from among the many religious holidays to turn into a popular holiday joys and Mbahjh and meanings.
The method of celebration Egyptians do begin extricating themselves to the gardens, parks and fields in five days, the forgotten of the year, and continue their celebrations holiday during those five days - that hit it from history - and they spend the day visiting the graves, bringing with them baskets of Mercy (sorties Alaqrafah) as an expression of commemoration their dead whenever a year has passed, and the symbol of the doctrine of immortality, which is safe by the ancient Egyptians. As they offer sacrifices to the gods and deities in the same day to carry the same meaning, and then spend the rest of the days in celebration of the establishment of ballroom dancing, music and various games and racing games, entertainment and entertainment numerous invented invented.
It Oclathm favorite in the New Year's holiday "duck hunting" and "geese" which Ahwoonh on farms, and dried fish species that were preparing them for a private holiday. As for their favorite beverages in the New Year's holiday was "grape juice" or "fresh wine" where the fermentation juice Birthdays consistent with the New Year's holiday. It is the habits that were applied - especially in the modern state - the celebration of a contract with the celebration of the Holy Year, the beginning of the year until the beginning of a happy married life.
It is enacted by the humanitarian traditions of the ancient Egyptians during the days forgotten that people forget their differences and disputes and Dgaúnhm, councils are held reconciliations between rival families, and solve many of the problems conciliation friendly and forgiveness and forget grudges. It was within the canons of faith, where God asks people to forget the grudges of them in the sacred festival, the New Year holiday, which must begin with serenity, and brotherhood, and affection between people.
It was tradition that followed the protagonists racing .. Each with his followers and his visit to his opponent or enemy, Fiktzm with guest host, with his enemy or opponent, cake feast acclaim among friends and toasts confirmation of what their holy book says: Book of the Dead. "The good is stronger than evil and love expels hostility .. and so were many of the issues resolved in a friendly at the feast, and racing each to the house of his opponent, or the enemy, accompanied by his friends to have a head start in a good even obtain a blessing of God in the Eid holy as stipulated in the teachings of the faith" .
See also New Year's holiday - for the first time - Review of flowers "carnival flowers" which Aptdath Cleopatra to be a manifestation of the feast coincides with the celebration when her accession to the throne with the New Year's holiday and will remain Egypt celebrates
New Year always.
Before sunrise knowledge to other parts of the world there was light sky Egypt and its territory, at a time span in which the civilizations of great nations to hundreds of years stretching Egyptian civilization thousands of years, with sunrise on September 11 of each year, beginning the first day of the year the neo-pharaonic, where he announced Time Egyptian Pharaonic beginning in 6255 and so is never more than a century counterpart in 4000
The ancient Egyptians celebrated this day and fired on it'' Ne - Aara'' sense'' on'' rivers, which is the completion deadline flooding of the Nile, the primary cause in the life of Egypt, and skew the name later to the'' Neros'' a feast, which was a The first day in the new agricultural year, the Egyptians were interested in celebrating Nowruz cultural heritage Egyptian Old
The year is the year of the Pharaonic connected solar stars, divided into 12 months of 30 days each month and then followed by five or six days to complete the rest of the year, and the Coptic months of the year are: Tut, door, HATOR, Kiahk, tuba, Amshir, Baramhat, Baramouda, Bashans, Aúna, Aviv, Misra, Nasi It is still used in Egypt, not only at the canon, but also at the grassroots level, especially in agriculture, has developed a calendar of the ancient Egyptian brand Tut, who invented writing and was a world wise , so respected by the ancient Egyptians and placed the home of the gods, and they called the god Tut or Thoth and began the first month of the year in his name, has been modified this system about 238 BC added day every four years for the year Pharaonic, so be installed beginning of the year with the seasons and thus proved the beginning of the year in September .
Pharaonic traditions to celebrate New Year
One of the oldest traditions that have emerged with the celebration of New Year's industry cakes and pies, and in turn, moved from New Year festival to accompany the different holidays that make each of them has its own type, and the pancakes with the beginning of its appearance in the holidays adorned with inscriptions and religious incantations and spells.
It has taken New Year's holiday in the mundane nature of the modern state, and came out from among the many religious holidays to turn into a popular holiday joys and Mbahjh and meanings.
The method of celebration Egyptians do begin extricating themselves to the gardens, parks and fields in five days, the forgotten of the year, and continue their celebrations holiday during those five days - that hit it from history - and they spend the day visiting the graves, bringing with them baskets of Mercy (sorties Alaqrafah) as an expression of commemoration their dead whenever a year has passed, and the symbol of the doctrine of immortality, which is safe by the ancient Egyptians. As they offer sacrifices to the gods and deities in the same day to carry the same meaning, and then spend the rest of the days in celebration of the establishment of ballroom dancing, music and various games and racing games, entertainment and entertainment numerous invented invented.
It Oclathm favorite in the New Year's holiday "duck hunting" and "geese" which Ahwoonh on farms, and dried fish species that were preparing them for a private holiday. As for their favorite beverages in the New Year's holiday was "grape juice" or "fresh wine" where the fermentation juice Birthdays consistent with the New Year's holiday. It is the habits that were applied - especially in the modern state - the celebration of a contract with the celebration of the Holy Year, the beginning of the year until the beginning of a happy married life.
It is enacted by the humanitarian traditions of the ancient Egyptians during the days forgotten that people forget their differences and disputes and Dgaúnhm, councils are held reconciliations between rival families, and solve many of the problems conciliation friendly and forgiveness and forget grudges. It was within the canons of faith, where God asks people to forget the grudges of them in the sacred festival, the New Year holiday, which must begin with serenity, and brotherhood, and affection between people.
It was tradition that followed the protagonists racing .. Each with his followers and his visit to his opponent or enemy, Fiktzm with guest host, with his enemy or opponent, cake feast acclaim among friends and toasts confirmation of what their holy book says: Book of the Dead. "The good is stronger than evil and love expels hostility .. and so were many of the issues resolved in a friendly at the feast, and racing each to the house of his opponent, or the enemy, accompanied by his friends to have a head start in a good even obtain a blessing of God in the Eid holy as stipulated in the teachings of the faith" .
See also New Year's holiday - for the first time - Review of flowers "carnival flowers" which Aptdath Cleopatra to be a manifestation of the feast coincides with the celebration when her accession to the throne with the New Year's holiday and will remain Egypt celebrates
New Year always.
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